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Sunday 14 December 2008


In the first edition of this book I said, “It’s not clear that eBay can get a
good start in this category. The only two subcategories are X-ray
Equipment and Stethoscopes, an odd selection.” Boy, was I wrong.
Today (four years later, summer 2003) there are almost 8,000 items for
auction in many different subsections. This is not exactly setting the
world on fire, but it’s well on its way.
In my first edition, I said, “Restaurateurs are entrepreneurial. This
could turn into a really robust B2B auction.” Hey, I was right about
something. The Restaurant section is going crazy and has blossomed
into a smorgasbord of equipment, so to speak.

A restaurant supply company in Atlanta decided to start selling used equipment on eBay.

A restaurant supply company in Atlanta decided to start selling used
equipment on eBay. They couldn’t make their efforts profitable. But
they learned how to use eBay. Then they tried selling new restaurant
equipment via eBay. Bingo! They developed a vigorous business selling
expensive equipment to consumers with a large number of their
orders coming from California. Finally they started experimenting
again selling used equipment, this time with some success. While this
change in their business was going on, they shut their doors—no more
walk-in traffic—and stayed nearby their computers. They were doing
most of their business on eBay or over the phone.
I was talking with the owner of a metal fabrication company in
Huntsville, Alabama, who told me he bought his metalworking
machines on eBay. He was in the process of building a 3,000 square
foot metal building to expand his business. Naturally he looked to
eBay to find construction materials. He purchased his drywall via
eBay in a city a few hundred miles away because it was cheaper than
buying the drywall in Huntsville, even after the shipping cost. He

eBay Scammer on Judge Judy

eBay Seller Sues Buyer on People's Court